The Latest Dirt: Mid-summer garden update

The last few weeks have been a chore. This was the beginning of the aphid infestation, around the beginning of July. It only got worse from here, as you will see.

My one, lonely garlic scape. It was delicious!

Mr. Moon would like you to know that the mint garden got as tall as his hip! It's started to die back in the heat since then, though. 

Isn't it strange how our plum tree has purple sections and red sections?
That's because of these new starts. All the new parts are green. I asked at the nursery and it was recommended that we cut all the new starts out--they will overgrow the older, likely hybridized tree that is actually giving us plums. 

Sucker bugs! Why?! Took this picture for identification by the folks at the nursery, and they said it was likely the teenager stage of some sucker bugs. Best to get rid of them, suggested just using the garden spray I had tried for the aphids.

Speaking of aphids... This is the garden as of August 3. Those tall parts are mustard that bolted and then got eaten by aphids. My poor broccoli and cauliflower died before creating anything to harvest. The leeks are struggling, but the nasturtiums are thriving! Possibly not as much as they could be.

 One day's-worth of sucker bug damage, and this is what I got. Had to pull the whole plant, poor thing.

Do you see what those aphids did to my mustard?!
 ... And my broccoli?
And my cauliflower?!

With the big group in the back yard I wanted to cover the compost pile a bit. Don't you just love this 30-second solution? I like to think of it as rustic suburban chic. Truly though, we will be using the wood from these pallets and a broken, salvaged futon frame to make a compost bin that is more easily accessed for turning and using the liquid gold.

My poor tomatoes don't know what's going on. 
 On the same plant, one looks like this...
 ... then another looks like this. Poor thing!

Apparently, if you don't water your basil it will die. WHO KNEW?

All the dead and dying removed for composting. The nasturtiums don't look so choked out by death now, and I have room to start the fall garden. 

Those poor leeks though! So sad looking. 
Maybe because of THESE? What are these?? More aphids? Time to make a new batch of garlic-pepper spray. 

Mr. Mustard looks like he's a little perturbed at the leek leaves and nasturtiums wanting to help him read his book. To me they look like little clamoring into Daddy's afternoon naptime space, just wanting to play. 

Ahhh all filled back up and a layer of compost for food. Hopefully we can get some harvest out of these hanging baskets. 


A nice (adult) pink lemonade with home-grown edible flower, and a cozy fire with friends. Seems like a wonderful way to finish off a productive, hot summer evening.


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