Quick & Dirty: The first lawn-mowing of the season!

The lawn! It's been cut! I know it seems silly to be so joyful about something so simple, but the lawn had gotten OUT OF CONTROL the last two weeks. It drew quite a bit of attention to the fact that our front yard is half overgrown with clover and moss, when the grass was getting a foot high in some places!

But, finally, FINALLY the rain had stopped for a long enough period of time at the same time Mr. Moon had time off work, and he was able to get out and hack the top off the greens, making them at least all the same height out there. It's still a bit long, and will need to come back a bit more later in the week, but it's bad to cut the grass too much in one go so he left the mower at the highest setting which seems to be about 6 inches. I know. Shameful.

The back was and still is worse, and the flower beds have had so much grass-creep that they look horrible. Looks like edging the beds is going to have to be our highest priority project.

The day even started early today and we got some time in at the gym, taking advantage of more than just the pool this time. Gym, lawn mowed, grocery shopping done, food prep in the works, I'm calling that a productive day! We didn't get the bathrooms done which is today's chore, and we were supposed to fold the giant pile of clean laundry that's been hounding me since last week. All in good time, I suppose. All in good time.


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