To Do List: August Quarterly Update

A nice, updated list after the second quarter of the year has gone by. I highlighted our highest priorities in red, the things we are working on now or will be in the next few weeks. Deleted the old Done list, what's crossed off is done since our last updated To Do list in April.

Front Yard:
  • Re-edge the existing beds, and refill with wood chips as needed--not buying more though!
  • Prune roses. All the roses. Possibly use the pruned bits to grow roots on new plants, potentially even to replace the existing ones that aren't in the best shape. 
  • Fill the beds with flowers. What we have now leaves most of the yard bare most of the time, I'd like to landscape in such a way as to have something blooming most of the time and not ever have to look at a bunch of rotting yuck. 
  • Mum has decided to hire contractors to relandscape the entire front yard because the project has gotten too big to manage. I approve!
Back Yard:
  • Plant the toilet planter or get rid of it. (Half done.)
  • Prune the roses along the shed, re-trellis them, or get rid of them.
  • Remove the tree by the patio, and the one by the compost.
  • Remove most of the plants (and wood chips) along the back of the house and re-plant that whole area with usefulness and patio parties in mind. 
  • Re-edge the existing beds. 
  • Break down firewood. (uncrossed-off because we added more wood to be done!)
  • Hang eye bolts on the hanging planter rail. 
  • Replace the crappy, non working grill with one that works--bonus, we are looking at one with a side burner so we may be able to can out there!
Vegetable Gardening:
  • Build compost bin.
  • Install rain barrels. 
Outside House:
  • Power wash siding, concrete, windows.
  • Repaint wheelchair ramp. 
  • Put away the final boxes that need moved into their homes.
  • Pick up two couches from an Aunt.
  • Arrange garage as lounge area. (Half done)
  • Related: Move to a smaller storage unit if possible. 
Inside House/Hallway:
  • Paint all the things! Every single room needs a paint job.
  • Scrub hardwood in entryway and seal it. 
  • Replace some/all of the flooring (esp. kitchen and bathrooms, also dining room, hallway, living room).
  • Replace chandelier with globe light. 
  • Bolster the small appliance shelves.
  • Sand and refinish the countertop edges and backsplash.
  • Install a tile backsplash behind stovetop.
Dining Room:
  • Clean, reorganize bookshelves.
  • Sand and refinish the tabletop. 
  • Replace curtains.
Living Room:
  • Replace/Dye curtains.
  • Sort, scrub, and reorganize. 
  • Set up Mum's computer. 
Master Bedroom:
  • Install more lights.
Small Bedroom:
  • Unpack books.
  • Put up my jewelry and hair stuff. 
  • Bring records in from garage.
  • Sort out clothes for donating.
Laundry Room:
  • Make our own laundry soap
  • Lacto-fermented veggies
  • Kombucha
  • Sourdough and whole grain everything! Pretzels, pancakes/waffles, cookies, who knows what else
  • Yogurt and sour cream
  • Perfect the mozzarella recipe
  • Roasted chickpea snacks (These were disappointing and we won't be doing them again.)
  • Sprouts (successfully done once, need to get back on track with those)
  • Mr. Moon wants to get more into baking in general, and I want to get into baking with soaked & sprouted grains
  • CANNING! (Successfully did our first canning day!)


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