Eats & Treats: Menu plan, Sept 9-16

Finally, no more tweaks to the white board this week! With this cold or allergy attack (who knows?) hitting me, I'm grateful for the break we had this week, not having to cook for everyone, but it seems like it was rough on Mum even if she won't quite say so. So once again we are focusing on cleaning out the freezer, good healthful meals without a whole lot of hassle, but trying some new things.

What's on the ToDo list this week? 
We are still getting used to the daily chores being a little more structured, and catching up on some of the things that got a little out of hand. Bonus, Mr. Moon has more shifts and I have a doctor's appointment, so I scheduled a light week on projects.

Sunday, 9th: Today is a vacation day! Much deserved. Season opener for the Mariners er, Seahawks (the football guys) is on right now, and we have a date tonight with some friends going bowling. Well, Mr. Moon will be bowling, I will be watching, pointing, heckling, and laughing. 

Monday, 10th: Busy day! Grocery shopping in the morning, should be quick and easy since we only have a few things to get. The issue with sending Pops produce shopping is the random stuff that shows up that now has to be used up as it starts to rot. Mr. Moon needs to re-string the flag poles, if we have a ladder that will reach. He has an on-call shift that night, so if he's not working where he gets paid then he will be working in the garage that evening.

Tuesday, 11th: Mr. Moon works, so no projects to work on. We should have enough time to get the general chores done, dinner in the crockpot, and that's about it.

Wednesday, 12th: Firebombing the kitchen was an all-day affair last week, so I'm hesitant to schedule anything else strenuous that day since I know we have a little re-arranging to do this week. Laundry day is supposed to be sort of relaxing for us. So if we manage to finish the kitchen and the laundry and have some energy left, the garage is always a back-up project.

Thursday, 13th: Mr. Moon has work that night, and is planning on riding his bike since it's a shorter shift.

Friday, 14th: The scrap, reclaimed wood pile needs to be finished being broken down and sorted into buildable pieces and burnable pieces. He got about halfway through that last time, so hopefully he should be able to finish this time, because I REALLY want to get our new compost bins built over the weekend.

Saturday & Sunday 15-16th: Compost bins, daily chores, and if there's time & energy left, the garage.

Somewhere in all of this, my sourdough starter will be ready, and I'd like to make some bread. Or at least sourdough waffles. 
So what's on the menu?
Breakfasts: Today was a vacation brunch, biscuits and gravy with brats and scrambled eggs. The rest of the week is all about cleaning out the fridge and freezer, so we have sausage casserole, smoothies, and waffles on the menu--waffles aren't remotely a cleaning anything out dish, just want them.

Lunches: There's a huge open jar of sauerkraut in the fridge, but Pops and I are the only ones who eat it. So my lunches this week are focusing on helping with that. Hot dogs, reubens, and of course the backups: grilled cheese and quesadillas.

Monday: Mum requested plain baked chicken, and we'll make two for pulling and chopping into pieces for other meals (lunches, etc.). I've found some recipes for homemade baked beans in the crockpot, so I'm going to try to make those. And Pops brought home some acorn squashes so that sounds like a meal to me! (Use up freezer stock.)

Tuesday: Mr. Moon works, mushroom barely soup in the crockpot (batch cook, freeze into servings, vegetarian). I'm going to pick up some stew beef to throw in mine, and maybe some other additions, because I won't be able to get breakfast the next morning and just the mushroom barely soup for dinner usually has me waking up starving by 8am.

Wednesday: Baked salmon, wild rice, and broccoli/cauliflower. There's a couple jars of mild morrocan seasoning in the pantry that I'd like to try, so we;ll probably make a morrocan salmon. (Use up freezer stock.)

Thursday: Mum & Pops are on their own. I've found that writing that has a higher likelihood of using up leftovers or not wasting food if they decide to go out or something, so we have two of these days each week. Mr. Moon and I will have spaghetti or broccoli mac (freezer stock), if there are no leftovers to use up.

Friday: Tortilla soup (vegetarian) in the crockpot, with some of the leftover chicken for me. This way if Mr. Moon is pooped after peeling apart pallets all afternoon, dinner will be ready whenever anyone wants it.

Saturday: Steak is on sale this week ($4.90 for local organic sirloin steaks!) so we're going to marinate some for a couple days and have a nice steak dinner. I'm so glad I ended up not stocking up in the sirloin steak on sale at the crap store last week!

Sunday: Mum's birthday is Monday (and so is my Daddy's!), so we are going out to dinner for her birthday since Mr. Moon may have to work the next day. Still not sure where we're going, but at least I know it's not the BBQ joint.
Need more menu ideas? I'm linking up at for Menu Plan Monday!
What's on your menu this week? Any fun projects on the to-do list, or are you getting into a new routine?


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