The Lastest Dirt: The life of a garden in pictures

Thought I would give you all a garden update!
 Tiny strawberry! We moved the plant so it gets a little more sun and natural water. 

 Mr. Mustard is protecting the sugar snap peas. See a couple pods back there?

 My poor cauliflower plants. They have caterpillars. I cut off all the holey leaves and picked off a couple greenbacks, seems to have mostly fixed the issue.

See? Greenbacks. 

Watered the compost pile and this lovely appeared!

Clematis attacking the apple tree. Aren't those flowers lovely?

 This blackberry bush needs to GO so we can get into our hose-minder.

 This bush will be exiting stage right in the fall to make room for something hiding behind it. But first...
Gorgeous fuchsias in bloom.

 This lovely blackberry bush is hiding behind the big furry thing that we don't want. Making room for that come fall. 

 Our roses were just pruned, but returned to overhanging the walkway. Tsk. Tsk. 

 I could swear this was a clear walkway just a few weeks ago!

 Isn't it lovely how they've filled in since pruning? Back to having a little more privacy at this window. 

Deeeeeep in the jungle, the plums have started growing. Beware the plums! (I see plum cobbler in our future. And a lot of frozen plums.)


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