Slooooowing dooooown for summer

The last month and a half seems like it's been a whirlwind of activity and taking it easy. Mr. Moon and I have been spending a lot of time together, and driving each other crazy. With his new job having fewer hours, I get less time to blog, and I spend a lot more time recovering from the busy days we have when he's off. I find I'm using a lot more spoons and taking longer to recover them.

This week we spent a lot of time in the garden, and catching up on household chores that had fallen behind. I'm pleased to say, we have cleaned the kitchen to shining the sink at the end of the day for three days in a row this week. The laundry is caught up and put away, though I struggle with the desire to do only a load at a time and having 4 loads come up needing to be done at once. I'd like to be more mindful of making this a regular habit, since doing 4 loads at once just results in 4 loads of clean clothes sitting in baskets in the walkway of my bedroom floor.

Mr. Moon and I are finding a great partnership in tackling the garage work that needs to be done. I sit on the couch and read in the fresh air, available for questions (would you put this in tools or electronics?), keeping him company (which helps him stay on task), and making labels for the sorting boxes. We've committed an hour a day to this project, figuring that most days we will be able to put in more than an hour and occasionally other chores will take precedence, but then if we can only do an hour of work then that's all we expected anyway. Sometimes it's amazing what can get done in an hour!

We're definitely enjoying having a fire pit in the back yard now as well. We only used it for the Independence Day party so far, but it's pretty and exciting to have, and we're hoping to get out and enjoy it again this week.

We finally got around to becoming members at the local library, and I have a huge list of books to read set up. I'm sad that they don't have an app for my phone like the Seattle library does, but I'm making do.  Apparently the books I like are either supremely popular in our preferred location, or they're not stored there, because I can never find the ones I want there. Fortunately, I can place holds on books and just go pick them up whenever they come in, which really makes me happier anyway. But I did find myself at a bookstore today (killing time before a move in fact), not really interested in buying books that I could get for free at the library. It kind of made my day!

Also in the enjoyment factor is taking advantage of Mr. Moon's job perks. We've seen a couple good movies lately, including the new Disney/Pixar movie Brave, and the fact that the tickets are suuuper cheap going for matinees when his ticket is free means I don't feel so bad if I'm not enjoying myself as much as I hoped. Plus, the seats at his theater are incredibly comfortable, and sometimes even come with ottomans if we're in the right theater. It definitely is allowing us to keep going on regular dates, despite the drop in hours and income.

Oh! We can't forget making plans for expanding and re-arranging the gardens! We sat down and drew some brainstorming diagrams this week during one of our work breaks, though one of the diagrams ended up getting scrapped when we went back outside and realized that the bed wasn't as big as we'd had in our minds.

All in all, it really has been a good month. I'm grateful for everything my Mr. Moon does for and with me, and how we have made each other and our relationship a priority in our lives. But I'll skip the rest of the sappy before your eyes start burning.
How is your summer going? Anything for which you're especially grateful right now?


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