To-Do list

On Facebook, someone asked me what we're working on, since I was saying my to-do list has gotten so big but we've made a huge dent in it. I'll try to go back and include/scratch off what we've finished so far.
I recommend enlarging the font on this page, otherwise the strike-through makes it impossible to read what's been done. To do this, hold CTRL or CMD and tap the + sign until it's readable.

This is what's been done since the beginning of June! I also moved all the pending projects to the bottoms of their sections, for easier visibility.

* Dig out veggie beds/containers and prep for planting.
* Plant veggies and herbs in beds and containers, including hanging planters.
* Install lattice for nasturtiums.
* Plant fuchsias.* Dig out/replant geraniums from front container bed.
* Replant front container bed.
* Buy/Plant Heather & some sort of bush (we picked azaleas) for garage yard.
* Plant lilac bush.
* Prune butterfly bushes.
* Prune rose bushes at back of house.
* Remove 6 rose bushes under fir tree.
* Remove butterfly bush.
* Remove neighbor's overgrowth of bush and tree sprout.
* Remove blackberries.
* Plant Clematises, install new latices.

* Hang eye bolts on hanging planter rail for veggies and fuchsia plants.
* Remove/Transplant crap-apple trees.
* Remove volunteer fir tree along back fence.
* Remove Big-Ass Bush.
* Transplant rhododendron.
* Plant Fuji apple tree (WHERE??)
* Replace dead Heather plant.
* Make new rose bed by front bushes.
* Split/Transplant lilies, irises, and Those Weird Blue Things.
* Plant a Fall Harvest Garden.
* Build double compost bin from reclaimed wood. Paint?
* Build 4-8 more raised beds for edibles gardening.

Outside of house:
* Install new shed doors.
* Buy new patio umbrella. Drill hole for it in green table.
* Organize shed.
* Replace roofing (yeah, we're hiring someone for that).

* Power wash: Siding, windows, concrete.
* Repaint wheelchair ramp and container bed by front door.
* Clean out gutters.

* Sort through OUR belongings to unpack, go to storage for long-term, or stay put/go to storage until setting up the rec room.
* Finish unpacking short-term storage and get long-term storage stuff moved into a smaller unit.

* Sort through entire garage of tools and household belongings, matching like-items with like-items.
* Sort through boxes to determine what gets tossed, donated, or stored.
* Put garage back together.
* Set up Garage as Lounge area.
* Move to a yet-smaller storage unit, or possibly even eliminate off-site storage entirely.

Inside the house:
* Set-up and install white-board system for menu planning and project tracking.
* Sort through Mum & Pops' pantry, disposing of expired food and reorganize.
* Unpack & organize our pantry goods.
* Re-arrange kitchen, donate some supplies, and unpack kitchen stuff.
* Install hanging baskets (for potatoes, onions, etc.) (Half done, but one broke and needs repair.)* Clear off and remove kitchen table.
* Build and move in new kitchen rolling island. Buy cutting board for island.
* Buy more hanger-extenders and put Mr. Moon's t-shirts on them.
* Move old glass shower doors from master bathroom, and firebomb the thing.
* Install shelves & towel bars in hallway bathroom; unpack belongings (just first aid supplies left).
* Unpack & set up music system in bedroom.
* Unpack office/desk & arrange.
* Steam clean carpets.
* Install mail/key rack by front door.
* Install robe hooks in bedroom.
* Unpack clothing.
* Reorganize linen closets.
* Get washtub empty and usable again.
* Install closet rod in hall closet.
* Re-arrange kitchen/living room so Mom's yarn is next to her chair. 

Living Room:
* Dye/Replace curtains.

Dining Room/Hallway:
* Clean & reorganize buffet cabinet.
* Clean & reorganize china cabinet.
* Scrub hardwood floor & re-seal.

* Build and install pot rack.
* Reorganize pots & pans drawers.
* Remove chandelier from kitchen nook and replace with ceiling dome.
* Sort through Mum & Pops' food to filter out some of the stuff that just Needs To Go Away Because It's Not Real Food (like "blueberry" muffin mix with blue corn syrup sprinkles, and things of that sort).

* Put in some sort of shelving in bedroom closet to hang over laundry sorter.
* Set up TV.
* Pick up Mr. Moon's computer from Seattle, when it's done.
* Unpack books.
* Buy a freaking DVR. 

Laundry Room:  
* Sort cleaning supplies & store properly.
* Move toilet paper and paper towels in from garage.

* Scrub down and re-organize.
* Set up Mom's computer.

Homesteading/Life stuff:
* Sew some more cleaning cloths from old sheets/clothes.
* Sell/donate/put on consignment some old clothes.
* Get Mr. Moon's bike repaired, so we can save on gas driving him to/from work.

Long-term future projects/The Five Year Plan:
* Make a greenhouse for outdoor winter gardening.
* Install grow-light system for "indoor" winter herb garden in garage.
* Repair and re-paint walls in entire house.
* Possibly build up back fence bed into a raised bed.


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